
Module 14 – Coding Eye Diseases with ICD-10-AM/ACHI

The Aim Of This Module

  • Introduce the content of Chapter 7 Diseases of the Eye and Adnexa of ICD-10-AM Tabular List.
  • Introduce the content of Chapter 2 Neoplasms of ICD-10-AM in as much as it relates to diseases of the eye and adnexa.
  • Introduce medical terms, structures and abbreviations relating to the eye and sense of vision.
  • Explain how eye diseases and conditions are coded.
  • Explain how neoplasms are coded.
  • Provide practice exercises in coding from Chapter 7 of ICD-10-AM.

The Objective Of This Module

  • Code records of patients being investigated or treated for diseases and disorders of the eye and adnexa.
  • Recognise and apply medical terms when coding diseases and procedures relating to the eye and sense of vision.
  • Apply relevant Australian Coding Standards to the coding of conditions classified in Chapter 7 and Chapter 2 of ICD-10-AM.


Students must successfully complete the compulsory Modules 1-5 before proceeding with this module.