Our Team of Clinical Coders and Auditors
Resolutions has a team of highly experienced clinical coders and auditors who are well regarded in the health information industry.
Here you can meet the founder and principal and read a snapshot of the team’s extensive experience and skills.
Resolutions’ core of team members is supported and enhanced from our contact portfolio of specialist coders and data management experts according to individual project requirements.
Debbie Abbott
B.AppSc | Grad.Cert. Casemix | Cert.Train & Devt
Founder of Resolutions (Int) Pty Ltd in 1994
Debbie’s health information specialties incorporate casemix, contract coding, education and auditing, e-health, systems analysis, data security, electronic records, legislative and statutory information requirements.
Debbie’s professional roles include:
- Health Information Manager at Australian public and private healthcare facilities in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland;
- ICD-10-AM Implementation Officer, Queensland Health;
- Coding Educator for the National Coder Workforce Issues Project;
- National and International Coding Auditor for the National Centre for Classification in Health, Australia;
- Health Information Consultant, Educator and Auditor for private facilities, day surgeries, state health departments and organisations such as KPMG and AusAID both in Australia and overseas.
Debbie’s professional involvements include:
- Health Information Management Association of Australia;
- American Health Information Management Association;
- Health Informatics Society of Australia;
- The Executive Connection;
- Australian Institute of Management.
Please use the contact form on the Contact Us page to get in touch with Debbie and the Resolutions team.
Our multi-disciplinary team
Resolutions’ professionals are among the best in the business in Australia: dynamic, intelligent, practical and experienced individuals committed to the task of providing our clients with the best advice and solutions.
This snapshot list highlights the broad cross-section of the health industry. Resolutions has partnered with organisations all these sectors in achieving the best coding and auditing solutions possible:
- community services
- health funds
- private companies
- state government
- federal government
- universities
- public sector
- private sector hospitals
- public and private health organisations
This comprehensive and extensive involvement with such a diverse client base provides Resolutions with opportunities to adapt strategies and apply them across industry sectors in pursuit of proactive and practical problem-solving.
Coding Team
Our experience is diverse from public to private hospital, tertiary level to day hospital, and in depth understanding of ICD-10-AM. We have coded in all Australian states and territories and are familiar with the range of legislative requirements. We have coded all specialties including sub-acute (public and private), mental health, hyperbaric, neonatal and paediatric specialty hospitals.
All Resolutions coders are regularly audited, educated and assessed. Whatever your organisation’s needs, you can be sure of your Resolutions coder’s expertise! Here’s just a few of our team…………
Auditing Team
Our auditors have worked in every Australian state and territory, from public to private hospital, and have been involved in the development of the Australian coding standards at some stage. They participate in clinical specialty groups and have NCCH experience. Some of our more experienced auditors are currently involved with the WHO, consulting in ICD-11 – and this places Resolutions right at the forefront of this field.
All our auditors have been involved with large-scale state and international audits. They have all completed a certificate of training and development which incorporates important communication skills. We allocate auditors with skills that match the audit hospital’s needs.
Education Team
Our educators have been trained to provide accurate coding and casemix information. Personable and respectful individuals, they are experienced in tailoring content to the client’s requirements. They have all completed a certificate of training and development which incorporates important communication skills, crucial to high-quality delivery of education.
All our educators have been involved with previous NCCH workshops or seminars and have conducted international educational programs.
Office Team
Our clinical coders, auditors and clients are managed by our Business Manager at the Resolutions head office in Brisbane.