There should be a sync tool icon on your desktop. You should see the sync tool, sitting in your system tray, at the bottom right of your screen, near the time. It’s a red box with the letter R inside.
- Right click the icon and
- Select ‘Sync Now’
- You will see an option called Custom, select that or you might see the name of the hospital.
- You will then see a message pop up saying the Sync has started
- Followed by another message saying the Sync has finished
- Login into Visicode now at
Once logged in you will see episodes found in SimDay that were discharged but not yet coded. The sync will not bring across episodes that are discharged and already coded, or episodes that are still flagged as admission status for example. You will be able to tell if the episode has been imported from SimDay, Visicode will flag those episodes with an S Symbol after the Date Created. - You are now ready to start coding your episodes.