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Built from the knowledge and years of data input from Resolutions coding and auditing tools, VisiCODE and ResiCAT, we have created Day One Solution in partnership with AAPC and Semantic Health.

Our Day One solution is specifically designed to support healthcare providers in managing and optimizing their funding models with an advanced focus on compliance and financial accuracy.

Our system includes features to dynamically apply adjustments based on coding inputs, which directly impact the funding calculations.  This includes automatic identification and application of penalties related to Hospital Acquired Complications (HACs) and readmissions.

As codes are entered, our software highlights entries that trigger funding penalties, such as HACs and readmissions.  This is visually indicated within the coding interface, allowing coders to understand potential financial impacts instantly.

Our solution ensures that all coding and funding adjustments comply with national healthcare regulations and standards.  This compliance is maintained through regular updates to our system, incorporating changes in healthcare policies and funding models.

Our software displays the most current patient data and notifies users when updates are made in the Patient Administration System during the coding process.  This real-time update and notification capability ensures that coders are working the most current information.

The Day One Solution offers an open API interface, computer-assisted (AI) coding functionality with integrations across clinical and administrative systems, and seamless transitions of coding records through the following stages:

  • AI analysis
  • Coding
  • Audit Review
  • External audit review

The data in Day One Solution is stored securely within Australian borders on the AWS cloud adhering to national standards for data privacy and security.  Data is stored in a database with no public access.  The database is encrypted in motion and at rest.

The Day One Solution interfaces and workflow are designed to meet the unique needs of medical record Coders, Auditors and the Health Information Management team members.  It uses the latest in technology to assist Coders to find the right data in the records and code to a high standard the first time.

Resolutions has evolved our technology tools to assist the industry to raise the quality and productivity of the vital medical records data.

Coding and auditing workflows are integrated into a single coding solution with continuous workflow between coding and quality management, including clinical queries.

If you would like to know more about the Day One Solution please contact us on: 07 3520 2292

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